Have you made a reversionary pension nomination?
Luke Smith joined 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM.
The Money Show aired on Friday 20 September 2019.
Have you ever heard of a reversionary pension nomination? If you have a pension fund, it’s something you need to investigate. That’s the topic of the podcast this week.
Key highlights include:
- What is a reversionary pension nomination?
- How can a reversionary pension be used to keep money in a low tax environment?
- It’s very important to consider the transfer balance cap. If you receive a reversionary pension and go over the cap, you will pay more tax. This is why upfront planning is important.
- Does a reversionary pension nomination have to be a spouse?
- Can a younger spouse receive a reversionary pension?
- What are the key things to consider before setting a reversionary nomination?
- Why is seeking advice on reversionary pensions and estate planning is important?
- An offer to trail our knowledge centre which is full of information and videos at no cost. Checkout our online calculators too.
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Do you need help with your financial planning?
If would like to talk about setting some strategies, including implementing a reversionary pension nomination, make an appointment to meet Luke at Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749. You can also use our contact us form to make an appointment for a confidential discussion about your situation. Envision Financial can work with your estate planning solicitor. We can refer you to one if you don’t have one.
Envision 2CC offer: Your first appointment is at our cost. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your financial situation and financial goals.
Luke will return to talk about financial planning on 2CC Talking Canberra next Friday from 4.30pm. Tune into listen live or visit our website again to catch up on the podcast. You can also check out our YouTube Channel at Envision Financial Canberra.