Making the most of your retirement options provides peace of mind
Luke Smith joined 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM.
The Money Show aired on Friday 24 January 2020.
What a year it’s been. The podcast kicks off with Luke and Leon reflecting about the state of the world and how nice it would be for things to settle down. In the latest podcast, Luke explores some of the key things people should consider before retiring or at retirement when it comes to generating an income from super. Did you know that you can change providers?
Key highlights include:
- What is a pension account or more formally called ‘account based pension’
- How do you get one?
- Can you take a lump sum if you need to or is it just pension payments?
- Can you change providers or are you stuck with your current super provider?
- What are some of the key things you should look for in a pension fund?
- Is there a minimum you need to withdraw from a pension fund over a year?
- Are there strategies you might consider before setting up a pension or during a pension?
- What is transition to retirement and super splitting and how might they help you retire?
- Make the most of your opportunities, as well as the offer to seek advice with Envision Financial.
Listen to the Podcast right now
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Also available on Apple Podcasts ‘The Strategy Stacker – Luke Talks Money’
Do you need help in setting up or checking your retirement plan?
Let us help you get your retirement plans in place.
Envision 2CC offer: Your first appointment is at our cost. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your financial situation and financial goals. Call Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749. You can also use our contact us form to make an appointment for a confidential discussion about your situation.
Luke will return to talk about financial planning on 2CC Talking Canberra next Friday from 4.30pm. Tune into listen live or visit our website again to catch up on the podcast. You can also check out our YouTube Channel at Envision Financial Canberra.