Super can be tricky, how do you get money into super?
Luke Smith joined 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM. The Money Show aired on Friday 18 September 2020 and the topic: The details around contributing to super – how and how much?
Financial Planner Luke Smith joins 2CC to explore some of the myths around superannuation contributions. Misinformation stops many people from making smarter financial planning decisions for their retirement. In this episode they explore the different kinds of contributions you can make and the value of contributions you can make.Be sure to seek advice if you need help with your own superannuation and retirement planning. They start the show however talking about the weekend weather – let’s hope golf isn’t rained out!
Key highlights include:
- To understand super contributions, break them into two types – a deductible contribution and a non deductible contribution
- Contributions can go in as cash, or they can go in as ‘in specie’ or ‘as they are’ eg shares, if your fund offers in specie
- How much can you put in – there are thresholds on how much you can put it. Thresholds also apply to PSS and CSS members too
- What’s a down-sizer super contribution if you’re selling your home?
- What is the carry forward super contribution opportunity?
- If you’re under 65 you dont need to be working to make a contribution, if you’re over 65 you need to meet the ‘work test’
- How can you stack financial planning strategies to work in your favour?
- If you decide to make a contribution, which kind should make – a deductible contribution or a non deductible contribution?
- Be proactive with your contributions and financial planning, otherwise you might miss out
- Luke’s top tips to think about around contributing as broader part of your financial planning goals
- An offer for a free appointment to talk about your own investment planning goals and objectives. Everyone has different goals and personal financial planning advice can help you achieve them more effectively.
Listen to the Podcast right now
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Also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify ‘The Strategy Stacker – Luke Talks Money’
Would you like to talk about your own super contribution strategy?
Luke Smith at Envision Financial can help you set up a super contribution strategy to help you achieve your financial planning and retirement goals. We’re very pleased to let you know that we’ve returned to the office for appointments given Covid-19.
Envision 2CC offer: Your first appointment is at our cost. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your own financial, work and investment goals. Call Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749. You can also use our contact us form to make an appointment for a confidential discussion about your situation.
Luke will return to talk about financial planning on 2CC Talking Canberra next Friday from 4.30pm. Tune into listen live or visit our website again to catch up on the podcast. You can also check out our YouTube Channel at Envision Financial Canberra.