Luke on 2CC – Be a great client to get more out of advice

Luke on 2CC – Be a great client to get more out of advice

Financial Planner Luke Smith joined 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM in Money Matters, which aired on Friday 8 December 2023.  This week’s show asks an interesting question for clients: How can you be a great client to get the more out of advice? Seeking advice, including financial planning advice is not a one way road. To get the most out of the advice and service provided, clients need to participate. This show takes a look at how to get the most out of the advice you seek.

Key topics covered include:

  • Most people realise advice of any kind is a two way street – you need to participate
  • All advice providers including financial planners have legal obligations, so sometimes there’s paperwork
  • Paperwork can be complicated and administration can seem like a lot of work, ask for help if you need it
  • Make sure you fill in paperwork correctly, forms might be rejected which can cause delays
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something, your adviser is there to help! It’s important you understand what’s going on.
  • Be realistic with times frames – things like setting up accounts or applying for a home loan can take several weeks not days
  • Seek the right kind advisers to help you reach your goals
  • Luke shares his top tips around participating in the advice process.
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Also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify – ‘The Strategy Stacker – Luke Talks Money’

Apple Podcasts on financial planning and money Spotify podcasts on life insurance and financial planningYoutube videos on life insurance and financial planning

Are you thinking about your financial plans next year? 

All service providers are there to help you. If you have questions ask them as there’s no such thing as a silly question. If you need help with financial planning advice we’re here to help explore your own financial goals, options and strategies.

Luke as a Financial Planner can help you set up a financial planning strategy to help you achieve your personal financial goals, including investment, super and retirement. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your goals. Call Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749. You can use the contact us form to make an appointment, for a confidential discussion about your situation.

Luke will return to 2CC to talk about other ‘Money Matters’ next week – it’s the final show of the year. You can also catch up with ‘The Strategy Stacker – Luke Talks Money’ podcast at a time that suits you.

We look forward to your company again and Luke’s book Smart Money Strategy is out now and makes a great Christmas gift.

Avoid the top 5 risks in retirement planning by reading SMART MONEY STRATEGY - Luke's book!


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